Winners of the seventh annual Ante4Autism poker tournament included (from left) first-prize winner Dominick Ricciardi, a Las Vegas physician; event cohost and professional poker player Karina Jett (second place), and Luke Gronewold of Leggett & Platt (third place)
Organizers of the Ante4Autism poker tournament announced they are planning the eighth annual event, scheduled for Jan. 24 during the winter Las Vegas Market. Check the website, www.ante4autism, for details—and pictures from last January’s event. The tourney is widely supported by members of the mattress and home furnishings industries, and attracts a slate of celebrities—from professional poker players to sports figures and actors.
Mike McQuiston of Symbol Mattress and Allen Parvizian of APJL Consulting announced their companies will jointly present a $10,000 seat at the World Series of Poker to Ante4Autism’s 2016 grand-prize winner. The World Series of Poker is an annual poker festival held in Las Vegas each summer. It attracts thousands of players from around the world.
The seventh annual Ante4Autism tournament held Jan. 19 at the Golden Nugget broke previous records, bringing in more than $76,000 for charity Autism Speaks, said event founder Doug Krinsky.
Celebrity participants included Jose Canseco, Randy Couture and Jennifer Tilly. The winner was Las Vegas physician Dominick Ricciardi, second place went to event cohost and professional poker player Karina Jett, and Luke Gronewold of Leggett & Platt took third place.
“The WSOP seat should bring in hundreds of new players to our event next year,” Krinsky said. “Details are being worked, but next year promises to be another record-breaker!”