Ready to roll Spring Air North Carolina in Greensboro, North Carolina, is using its new mobile to bring products directly to retailers. It also serves as an eye-catching advertising vehicle.
Manufacturer and licensee Spring Air Mattress Corp. in Greensboro, North Carolina, has fitted out a mobile showroom and is taking it on the road. The company, also known as Spring Air North Carolina, has held a license to manufacture the Spring Air brand since 1971, and currently distributes in North Carolina and South Carolina, Virginia and West Virginia. The recent addition of South Carolina to its distribution area promises to put lots of miles on the new Mercedes Benz mattress mobile.
The truck is wrapped and branded in bold graphics that include “Made in the USA” messaging.
“There are a good many of our customers that don’t go to High Point Market and the (mobile showroom) gives us the ability to show retailers new items they otherwise might not see,” said Bill Ellington, Spring Air Greensboro director of sales. “We use it in a quite targeted manner—our reps will come in and tell us what we need to bring out to show particular retailers.”
John Grove Jr., Spring Air Greensboro president, added, “Our No. 1 preference is to have customers come here, but if they can’t come, this is another option. The truck will fit up to 18 twin mattresses and we pull them out and do a presentation right at their store.”
It’s all done by appointment, Ellington said, but once in awhile the mobile showroom will make a cold call.
The rolling showroom can serve other purposes, Grove said. “Once in a while, we have a retailer with an urgent need and we can manufacture it and run it to them, so it’s a customer service tool, as well. The other cool aspect is that every time we send the van out on the road, it’s great mobile advertising for us.”
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This story was updated May 11, 2015.