BSC, Diabetes Influencers team up to promote Better Sleep Month

May is better sleep month logoTo help promote its annual “May Is Better Sleep Month” campaign, the Better Sleep Council is partnering with Diabetes Influencers to raise awareness about the relationship between sleep and health.

The BSC is the consumer-education arm of the International Sleep Products Association. Diabetes Influencers is a network of health, wellness and fitness professionals; celebrities; and experts specializing in diabetes education who help diabetes sufferers live healthy lives.

To kick off Better Sleep Month April 28 , Diabetes Influencer Maureen Sullivan, host of the weekly podcast “The Health & Humor Show,” dedicated an episode to the topic, “Sleep: How Does It Affect Our Health?” BSC spokeswoman Terry Cralle (@PowerOfSleep), a registered nurse and certified clinical sleep educator in Fairfax, Virginia, joined Sullivan as her guest.

Terry Cralle headshot

Terry Cralle

The two organizations also will host a Twitter chat party from 8 to 9 p.m. May 13. Amy Peterson Campbell, director of clinical education content development and training for Good Measures LLC, a nutrition services firm in Boston, and educators with Diabetes Influencers will join Cralle and BSC spokeswoman Lissa Coffey (@CoffeyTalk), a lifestyle, relationship and wellness expert and author based in Westlake Village, California, to discuss insights into the relationship between sleep and diabetes, as well as the sleep-health equation in general.

Be sure to join in for great conversation and prizes! Stay tuned to @BetterSleepOrg and @diabetesinfl to learn more.

How better sleep month can work for you

Resources and updates on this year’s campaign can be found at the Sleep Savvy website, or the Better Sleep Council site. Follow Better Sleep Month news on Twitter—@BetterSleepOrg, @ISPAsleep  and @SleepSavvyMag.

BSC spokeswoman offers advice

Lissa Coffey headshot

Lissa Coffey

Lissa Coffey,  spokeswoman for the Better Sleep Council, the consumer-education arm of the International Sleep Products Association, made appearances on two television programs this spring to promote the health benefits of a good night’s sleep.

In March, Coffey taped two segments for “The Better Show,” a nationally syndicated lifestyle TV program. In the first, which aired in late March, she offered advice on how couples can cope with different sleep needs. In the second, which aired in April, she discussed tips for allergy sufferers to get a good night’s sleep.

In addition, Coffey was a guest on “Charlotte Today,” a morning arts and entertainment show on the NBC affiliate WCNC in Charlotte, North Carolina. She spoke about how to get a good night’s sleep, and filmed a segment on allergies, which also aired in April.

Coffey is a lifestyle, relationship and wellness expert and author based in Westlake Village, California.


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