Betsi Robinson
Associate Editor
Anyone who has birthed a baby knows what a challenge it can be to get a good night’s sleep when pregnant. That growing belly just keeps getting in the way. As a mother of three who suffered many a restless night due to my growing girth, I found myself fascinated by a trio of new body pillows recently released by sleep accessories supplier Malouf.
The Logan, Utah-based company’s expanded Z pillow lineup was among the showstoppers the editors of BedTimes spied during the High Point Market April 18-23. The unusually shaped pillows are ergonomically designed to provide support for pregnant women, who are advised to sleep on their sides not only for comfort, but to boost circulation and give nutrient-packed blood an easier route to the placenta. Sadly, it’s too late for me—my kids are grown up and out of the house—but surely the pillows are a welcome addition for today’s pregnant consumer. And quite a niche market for Malouf, as well.
Turns out, the back story behind these pillows is just as interesting as the products themselves. According to Chief Executive Officer Sam Malouf, employees at the small company’s headquarters have produced babies at a remarkable rate in the last two years—about nine wee ones each year, including a set of twins for Malouf himself. One employee began custom making a pillow for his sleep-deprived wife—literally taking apart pillows from the office and putting various pieces of them together in ways he hoped might help mitigate her misery. His entrepreneurial effort sparked a conversation that lead to the new custom line.
“All of the product samples have walked away from the office,” Malouf confided with a smile. “The employees lay claim to them.”
Clearly, customization is where it’s at in the bedding industry these days. This month, you’ll find a story by BedTimes editors Beth English and Barbara Nelles on the wide range of pillows to be found on today’s market—products that not only boost sales tickets but solve a range of sleep and health problems. Offering everything from cooling surfaces to adjustable fills, they come in all shapes and sizes, are more attractive than ever, and provide levels of comfort and support unimaginable a decade ago. In fact, a single pillow on the market today may contain any combination of molded memory foam or latex, shredded foam or latex, down and feathers, gel-infused foam or poured gel, polyester fill, natural cotton, wool fiber and more. Whew! There’s no such thing as a simple pillow anymore.
Pillows are becoming less of a commodity and more of a coveted purchase, the story notes, and as integral to a good night’s sleep as the mattress itself. Indeed, the two should work in tandem as a complete sleep system. Check out the story to learn more about the latest trends in this burgeoning product category.
Happy reading!