'Tis the season to sleep, snuggle and smooch

Better Sleep Council study says Americans stay warm in bed during the coldest months

Better Sleep Council logoALEXANDRIA, VA, Nov. 6, 2017 – A little more than half of Americans (51%) sleep more in the wintertime, and 42% find winter the best sleeping season, according to a new survey from the Better Sleep Council (BSC), the nonprofit consumer-education arm of the International Sleep Products Association.

Close to one-third of respondents choose to cuddle up, stay in bed longer or have more sex to keep warm during the winter months. And many cuddling fans prefer to snuggle up in their beds (28%).

A majority (77%) of those who keep away winter’s chill by having more sex say they find intimacy more satisfying when the weather is cold outside.

Further, most Americans surveyed (86%) believe there are distinct benefits to cuddling. These feelings were strongest among respondents who reported having a comfortable mattress.

“There are a variety of reasons why people may be sleeping, having more sex and cuddling in the winter months,” says Terry Cralle, a registered nurse, certified clinical sleep educator and BSC spokesperson. “With colder temperatures in many parts of the country and shortened daylight hours, people may find they want to go to bed earlier. Certainly, there are many benefits to turning in earlier, including getting a full-night’s rest, and for couples, they have more time with each other.”

Regardless of when you turn in, the BSC offers these tips for couples to sleep better in winter:

  • Share a bedtime. Find a mutual time that works for both of your schedules. If your bedtimes don’t match, be considerate of your partner’s sleep habits.
  • Go screenless. Keep laptops, phones and work out of the bedroom to create a more relaxing atmosphere.
    Check your temp. Many couples find they prefer to sleep at different temperatures. One solution is to double-fold blankets so one partner has more coverage to stay warm.
  • Maximize cuddle time with a good mattress. If you’re going to spend more time in bed, take a closer look at your current mattress and talk to your partner about his/her comfort during the night.
  • Find ways to relax before bed. In addition to turning off screens, consider other ways to unwind, such as meditating, reading a book or cuddling.

For more information on relationships and sleep, and to find information on how you’re your sleep habits change in the winter, visit BetterSleep.org and read, “Simple steps for sleeping with someone,” and “Wintertime heats up cuddle time.”

About the BSC
The Better Sleep Council is the consumer-education arm of the International Sleep Products Association, the trade association for the mattress industry. With decades invested in improving sleep quality, the BSC educates consumers on the link between sleep and health, and the role of the sleep environment, primarily through www.bettersleep.org, partner support and consumer outreach.


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