A new “Hot Prospect” lead generation feature in digital solutions provider Retailer Web Services’ WebFronts Level 4 software is fostering the conversion of online shoppers and driving them into stores, according to the Scottsdale, Arizona-based company.
Hot Prospect notifications allow independent retailers and their sales associates to contact prospects directly with relevant information about the products they’re shopping for online—and begin building meaningful relationships earlier than ever before, RWS said. Hot Prospect emails are generated automatically and powered by Level 4’s de-anonymization technology when online shoppers voluntarily choose to identify themselves while on the retailer’s WebFront. Progressive profiling technology then tracks consumers’ activity while on the site.
Through this technology, retailers receive email messages with the subject, “Your Level 4 WebFront has de-anonymized a new hot prospect!” Each notification includes the name of the prospect who has browsed the site, her site activity score, a list of all the products she browsed and her email address.
RWS encourages retailers to seize the opportunity provided by these notifications to contact prospects in a timely manner to thank them and offer assistance. According to InsideSales.com, if retailers follow up with web leads within five minutes, they are nine times more likely to convert them. To that end, RWS provides an email template that retailers can customize for their own use in contacting prospects.
RWS has sent more than 150,000 Hot Prospect email notifications to retailers using Level 4 WebFronts since going live in the fall of 2017.
Most independent retailers are great at building relationships with shoppers who come into their store, said Jennie Gilbert, RWS chief operating officer. “But in today’s digital age, customers interact with businesses on their smartphones and the internet long before they call or come in. How well retailers connect and build relationships during these digital interactions determines if they will ever get the chance to win their business in person.”