The mattress industry once again is demonstrating its generosity and creativity as individual companies mobilize their manufacturing capabilities to help deal with the COVID-19 crisis.
Here are 3 ways ISPA is helping:
- The International Sleep Products Association is being asked which members can quickly supply 2-sided mattresses with waterproof covers. If you have these products in stock, can produce them quickly or you can supply other products in short supply, please complete this electronic form.
- ISPA has compiled links and other contact information that members may use to directly inform government organizations, healthcare/hospitals and other organizations that may have COVID-19-related product needs. Click here for details. Send us more names and we can add them to the list.
- We also encourage governments and the healthcare community to tell us their product needs by completing this simple form. We will share that information with ISPA members.
Thank you for your participation and support during these uncertain times. If you have ideas or questions on what you can do, contact Mary Helen Rogers, [email protected], and Grant Johnson, [email protected].
Stay safe!