Spring Air Northeast is making 10,000 face masks per week. Spring Air Northeast employee sewing masks.
Mattress manufacturer Spring Air Northeast has transformed into a face mask production plant to help fill the need for personal protection brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic. The company recently fulfilled a 20,000-piece order for regional retail chain Cardi’s Furniture, which donated the masks to local police departments.
David Nguyen, owner of the Spring Air plant, which is based in Fall River, Massachusetts, said the plant is producing 10,000 masks per week and currently is filling orders for the state’s Department of Transportation, as well as for Gold Medal Bakery. In addition to offering masks for sale, the company has donated face masks to Fall River city leaders for them to distribute where needed.
“Our entire team is honored to be able to shift production from mattresses to make masks that are so desperately needed during this global crisis,” Nguyen said. “As we saw the crisis unfurl, our team looked strategically at how we could make a difference during this time of crisis. While we look forward to shifting back to mattress production soon, mask making is our mission for now. I am so proud of our team for the important work they are doing.”
To kickstart his mask production line, Nguyen reached out for guidance to a brother in Vietnam. He, too, is a mattress manufacturer who has switched to producing face masks.
“The contributions Spring Air licensees are making during this crisis is extraordinary,” said Nick Bates, president of mattress licensing group Spring Air International, of which Spring Air Northeast is a member. “(Industry members) have embraced the national imperative to serve in a way that makes us so proud and grateful. They are making a difference in the communities they serve.”
Please note: ISPA wants to hear about challenges and successes in supplying critical equipment needs during the COVID-19 pandemic. If you encounter government regulatory problems where we might be able to help, or if you have ideas on how ISPA can further assist the industry in its efforts to help, contact Grant Johnson, ISPA policy and government affairs, phone 571-635-6302, email [email protected]. Find more information: ISPA COVID-19 Member Resources page