This spring, many people found themselves working remotely for the first time in an effort to slow the spread of COVID-19.
Bill Murphy Jr., a writer for Inc. magazine, asked people who have worked from home for years for tips and assembled their comments in a March 16 online article. Universally, they advised finding a dedicated space to work, structuring the day and keeping the feeling of isolation at bay.
Here are five other tips:
Get up. “Don’t work from bed. You want your bed to be a place of peace and calm, not work stress.” — Liz Grossman Kitoyi, co-founder and chief executive officer of Baobab Consulting
Get ready. “Wake up and get ready just like you’re going to work. If you stay in your slippers all day, you will not be as productive.” — Elijah Schneider,
CEO and founder of Modify
Close the door. “The most important thing is to have dedicated office space where you can close the door and have set office hours. … I did the opposite and allowed work to swallow my home life for a while. … Stupid mistake.” — Kathy Kristof, editor of SideHusl
Create routines. “Establish a prework routine and an after-work routine. Working in the same place where you wake up, eat and sleep can make anyone go crazy without proper boundaries in place.” — Marissa
Owens, Opportunity Business Loans
Set up a place not to go. “Not everyone has an office, so it’s all right (to work at) your dining room table or couch. My advice is to … try and create some space between the places you are working and the places you are relaxing, even if it feels a little silly to be on two different sides of the couch.” — Haily Griffis, communications lead at Buffer and podcaster