Terry Cralle, health and wellness spokeswoman for the Better Sleep Council, the consumer education arm of the International Sleep Products Association, appeared on the pages of USA Today on Dec. 11, advising readers on ways to arm themselves with sleep to battle the cold and flu war.
Expert tips on fighting colds and flu
Follow these tips to get the best rest—even if you’re already sick.
- Avoid alcohol and medications that contain alcohol.
- Raise the head of the bed or try a wedge pillow to make breathing easier.
- Stay hydrated.
- Take a hot bath or shower before bed.
- Moisturize the air with a humidifier or vaporizer.
Drink chamomile tea before bedtime.
- Banish your bed partner to the guest bedroom.
- Change sheets and pillowcases frequently.
Terry Cralle (TerryCralleRN.com) is a registered nurse and certified clinical sleep educator based in Fairfax, Virginia.