CalRecycle Conducting Inspections

If you sell in California, make sure you are registered with the Mattress Recycling Council

Created in 2015 by California’s Used Mattress Recovery & Recycling Act, the Mattress Recycling Council’s Bye Bye Mattress recycling program requires mattress manufacturers to register their company and brands or Uniform Registry Numbers with MRC. All registered manufacturers, brands and URNs are published on CalRecycle’s website. The lists are updated monthly.

California businesses that sell mattress and box spring units are required to monitor these lists and sell only products made by registered manufacturers or that carry a URN. Since January, CalRecycle has been inspecting California businesses to verify their compliance with this portion of the law, as well as its other major obligations.

What this means for all manufacturers

If your company, brand or URN is not listed, go to to create or update your account. Violations found during a site inspection could incur penalties as much as $5,000 per day from CalRecycle.

If you are located in California

For manufacturers that also are retailers or renovators, you could be selected at random for a site inspection. A member of CalRecycle’s compliance staff may visit your business to verify your proof of registration, proof of fee collection, proof of remittance, awareness of CalRecycle’s website and compliance with California’s used mattress pick-up requirement. Visit the California page of for more information.

If you sell to retailers in California

Make retailers aware of California’s law that requires the collection of the $11 recycling fee, inform them that CalRecycle is enforcing compliance with this law and encourage them to register and begin collecting and reporting the recycling fee.

MRC’s marketing and communications department is happy to assist you with creating a customized notice or content for use with your customers. Contact Amanda Wall at [email protected].

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