Atlanta Attachment Co. has named Eugenio Fonts vice president of marketing. Fonts has been with the company for 15 years and retains his previous responsibilities as head of international sales. He reports to Hank Little, president of the machinery and equipment manufacturer, which is based in Lawrenceville, Georgia.
“Eugenio is a valued member of our executive team, and the addition of the responsibilities over the marketing function is our way of recognizing the contributions he has made and will make to the success of our business,” Little said. “Of particular importance is his knowledge of four languages (English, German, Portuguese and Spanish) and his ability to adapt our sales programs to many different cultures throughout the world. We are grateful for what Eugenio has already brought to our business and look forward to the additional value he’ll bring to our international customer base.”
Before this new appointment, Fonts managed the company’ s international sales, including formulating campaigns to achieve global sales and profit goals. He will continue to design and direct the company’s sales and marketing programs, as well as oversee progress reports, customer needs, and the pricing of products and services, according to a news release.
Fonts’ career in the apparel manufacturing and equipment industries has included tenures at Rori International and Dürkopp Adler. He joined Atlanta Attachment in 2006 as an international sales executive. Over his career, he has earned certificates as a technician and mechanic for microprocessors and microcomputers, advanced machinery and sewing machines.
“Throughout my career, I have sought out dynamic companies where I could succeed using my interpersonal, strategic and creative skills,” Fonts said. “Atlanta Attachment is such an innovative organization, and my time with the company has been rewarding. As I assume my new responsibilities, I look forward to the period ahead, as we move to be an even stronger international player in the sewing equipment industry.”
Atlanta Attachment is a subsidiary of Hickory Springs Manufacturing in Hickory, North Carolina.