It’s the time of year when many of us pause to express thanks for the great gifts in our lives. We’re thankful for our loved ones. We’re thankful for good health. We’re thankful our basic needs are met, and then some. Some of us are thankful for our pets, lasting friendships and morning coffee.
This year, I kept a gratitude list. Each day I tried to write down one thing I felt thankful for. Some days I forgot; but most days I found something to write.
Here’s a sampling: bookstores, pajama pants, doctors, the feeling of being clean after a shower, time to get things done, sunshine, grocery pick-up services, family activities, electricity, pizza, afternoon walks, cool sheets, good conversations, my husband’s generous heart.
It’s been a good practice. I’ve learned that there is something in every day worth celebrating.
These days, I’m more acutely aware of the great gifts in my days. I am grateful for the opportunity to become editorial director of BedTimes and sister publication Sleep Savvy. It’s fun to envision ways we can make these publications better. I’m grateful for my fabulous co-workers, who have gone above and beyond to make this transition as smooth as possible, not to mention all the support and help (and patience!) provided by everyone at the International Sleep Products Association.
I’m thankful that in a few short months I’ll get to see many of you in person at ISPA EXPO 2022 in Orlando, Florida (see page 13 for more information). What a great event that will be! I know I’ve seen some of you at the High Point Market (page 55) and at the Bedding Industries of America West grand opening (page 134), but I have missed seeing a great many of you during all the time we were homebound.
Another reason to be thankful is the U.S. economic forecast for 2022 (see page 34). It’s not all sunny skies, but the United States is expected to experience steady growth in both goods and services. Read Phillip M. Perry’s article to learn more.
Industry leaders have weathered the storms that were 2020 and 2021 and are looking forward to what 2022 will bring. Read Julie A. Palm’s article on page 27 to see how several leaders have handled supply chain issues and what pandemic-related changes they will carry forward.
I’m hopeful the year ahead will bring positive changes. I know I’m ready to move forward. What are you most excited about? Do you have ideas about what you’d like to see more of in BedTimes? I’d love to hear from you. Drop me a line at [email protected]. Here’s to the future!